
Refugees extend festive hand of friendship to fellow sanctuary seekers

2021-12-23T15:25:46+00:0023rd December 2021|Blog, News|

DONATE In the run up to Christmas, our Action Language learners have been practising their English by writing letters to their families back home and sharing welcoming notes with fellow asylum seekers and [...]

School children get on their bikes in support of Paperchain People

2021-12-21T08:10:28+00:0020th December 2021|Blog, News|

School children and students around Newcastle have been getting crafty for Christmas by taking part in our second Paperchain People project. Paperchain People is all about spreading a seasonal message of welcome and solidarity [...]

‘Gift of Words changed my life’. Refugee, Erfan, graduates and starts job in the NHS

2021-12-15T08:32:02+00:0015th December 2021|Blog, News|

DONATE Our free Action Language English classes really can transform people’s lives. When Iranian refugee, Erfan, arrived in the UK on Boxing Day three years ago, he had only a smattering of English.  [...]

‘I knew what it was like to have no words’ – Action Language volunteer, Jenny, explains why the Gift of Words is so important

2021-12-13T11:08:56+00:0013th December 2021|Blog, Fundraising, News|

DONATE Like most people who choose to volunteer with a charity, I wanted to do something to make things better for people when they are low in things we usually take for granted.  [...]

Give refugees and asylum seekers the Gift of Words with Paperchain People!

2021-12-09T16:38:14+00:009th December 2021|Blog, News|

Following on from the success of our first ever Paperchain People challenge last year, we're encouraging schools, community groups and individuals to once again send a seasonal message of welcome and solidarity to people [...]

The Bishop of Durham backs Action Foundation’s Gift of Words Appeal

2021-12-08T13:56:17+00:008th December 2021|Blog, News|

Action Foundation’s Patron, the Bishop of Durham, the Right Revd Paul Butler, met our CEO, Duncan McAuley to record a special video message in support of our Gift of Words Appeal. In the video, [...]

Tragedy in the Channel – Action Foundation’s CEO reflects

2021-11-29T15:48:36+00:0029th November 2021|Blog, News|

Following last Wednesday's tragic loss of life in the Channel when 27 people drowned in the deadliest crossing on record, Action Foundation's CEO, Duncan McAuley, calls for a more humanitarian approach to people seeking [...]

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