
Action Foundation is an award-winning charity based in Newcastle upon Tyne. Through our free InterAction Drop In / Casework service, Language & Learning, and supported housing projects, we support refugees, asylum seekers and other migrants to integrate successfully into the community and lead more independent and resilient lives.

Latest News

Inclusion Development Manager

7th October 2024|Blog, Jobs, News|

We are looking for an enthusiastic person to work across the organisation leading on the development and delivery of our inclusion work. Covering everything from our Diversity policy to our Client Engagement and Lived Experience strategy as well as relating directly to our clients, you’ll have the opportunity to transform our [...]

‘An inspirational night’ – one volunteer’s take on the North East Charity Awards

2nd October 2024|Blog, Language and Learning, Volunteering|

Hilary Elder is one of our valued Language & Learning teachers who gives up her time freely to teach English to refugees and asylum seekers. She is also a writer and has her own blog. After attending this year's North East Charity Awards as a guest of Action Foundation, Hilary (above [...]

Sixty per cent leap in people seeking help – Impact Report 2024

16th September 2024|Blog, News|

Today we launch our Impact Report for 2023/4 which is our annual look-back on what has been achieved. Below we outline the main findings. You can access the full report in the Publications section of our website, or to request a printed copy, please email us and we will be happy [...]

Keep up to date with the latest Action Foundation news, events, projects and fundraising opportunities by signing up to our newsletter or visiting us on social media.

Action Letting

Action Letting provides supported accommodation to newly granted single adult refugees at risk of homelessness during their rapid transition to mainstream housing. We currently manage 15 properties in Newcastle, Gateshead and Sunderland on behalf of private landlords.

Find out more about Action Letting.

Action Housing

Action Housing provides supported accommodation to destitute asylum seekers with no recourse to public funds. Due to their immigration status this extremely vulnerable group are unable to work or receive any government support and are therefore entirely reliant on the help of charities or friends to survive.

Find out more about Action Housing

Language & Learning

Language & Learning provides free English lessons and employability skills to people seeking asylum, refugees, and other migrants.

We offer tuition, guidance and advice in safe learning spaces for people aged 18+

Find out more about Language & Learning.


InterAction provides a friendly, accessible, interactive and supportive environment to help new and other migrants experiencing loneliness, isolation and feelings of disorientation, to connect with other people and cultures, local places and services.

For more information about InterAction.

Young Lives

We provide specialised practical, emotional and social support for asylum seeking and refugee children, families and young people. Our aim is to provide a specialised and trauma informed service that can be accessed by families or by individual young people.

Find out more about Young Lives.

In 2022/23 Action Foundation…


refugees, asylum seekers and other migrants to access our services.
Volunteers worked with us to…

help people from…


70 different countries

“I got the chance to improve a lot my English language and to meet new people and friends. Thanks to Language & Learning, I got my job in the UK, I really feel much more confident.”

Language & Learning Service User

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