Action Letting is a social enterprise run by Action Foundation. We let properties to homeless refugees in flexible and affordable ways to enable them to access private rented housing that would be very difficult through other existing housing providers.

We work with landlords or investors who want to do something a bit different with their property and use it to benefit vulnerable people without the hassle of managing their property.

If you’re tired of the hassle of managing your property or would like to invest in property and help others, please get in touch for a chat.

Contact Action Letting

0744 4079678 ( (contactable between 9am-5pm)



Action Letting is grateful for the support of

“Life after getting [refugee] status can be quite difficult and daunting. Thanks to the understanding and efforts of Action Letting I finally managed to get a house. It has changed a lot for me and I will always be grateful.”

Action Letting tenant


We specialise in providing private rented accommodation for refugees that are homeless. Once given a positive decision on their asylum claim a new refugee will usually have to leave the accommodation that they have been living in whilst their asylum claim has been processed and transition to the mainstream systems like everyone else. This process can happen very quickly giving the refugee very few options to access alternative accommodation.

Single adults who do not have healthcare needs are not a priority for social housing and the barriers to most other private rented accommodation are too high, since deposits, administration fees, rent in advance, tenancy history, acceptable references or guarantors are often beyond their reach.

We work with homeless refugees to reduce the barriers to their accessing our private rented accommodation and let properties in a more flexible and affordable way than a traditional letting agent or landlord. We have been working with asylum seekers and refugees since 2006 and have gained significant experience and understanding of the issues that they face, not just with their accommodation but also more generally in adapting to living in Tyne and Wear.

“Being part of Action Foundation has given me huge relief as I no longer have to worry about damage or neglect to my properties and it gives me immense pleasure to know that at the same time I am helping to restore safety and dignity to people who have been forced to leave their own countries.”

Sharyn Collins — Action Letting Landlord


Depending on the financial return you require we can fully manage and maintain your property (including some maintenance costs), as well as find and manage suitable tenants. We can also do a property search if you are looking to buy.

We inspect all properties regularly, and action any maintenance work required. We handle all tenant issues, including rent collection, so you can relax knowing that your property is being well looked after and will be making a difference to the lives of previously homeless people.

As we sublet the properties to our tenants we become your tenant. Therefore, so as long as the lease agreement that we have between us stands, we will ensure that you always receive your rent on the day that we agree regardless of whether your property is occupied or not. According to Crisis “migrants are particularly vulnerable to homelessness”. Single adults are not a priority for social housing and the barriers to private rented accommodation are very high, since deposits, admin fees, rent in advance, tenancy history, acceptable references / guarantors are often beyond their reach. We have been working with homeless asylum seekers very successfully since 2006 through our charitable project Action Housing. Therefore, we have gained significant experience in working with homeless migrants and work in partnership with many other organisations who also work with asylum seekers and refugees. We let properties to homeless refugees (asylum seekers who have been granted the right to stay in the UK) in flexible and affordable ways. This enables them to access private rented housing that would be very difficult through other letting agents.

“We are very happy to be working with you for the last six years as we know that Action Foundation serves those in greatest need in our community. We enjoy being part of that and having our house in very safe and professional hands.”

Mark and Lucia Bagott, Action Letting Landlords