News & Events

News & Events2022-09-30T13:37:41+01:00

Action Foundation welcomes new Comms & Events Officer, Pauline

26th July 2021|Categories: Blog, News|

We're super excited to introduce our brand new Communications and Events Officer Pauline Holt - the latest addition to the Action Foundation team. Pauline will be keeping you updated with all the latest Action [...]

New Action Foundation CEO responds to Borders Bill and Hassockfield plans

22nd July 2021|Categories: Blog, News|

Action Foundation’s new Chief Executive Duncan McAuley reflects on two of the biggest issues facing asylum seekers in the coming months. You will have likely seen in the news that The Nationality and Borders Bill has been through its [...]

‘Our Action Foundation Garden Party’

7th July 2021|Categories: Blog, News|Tags: , , |

This month we launched our brand-new Fundraising Pack – your go-to resource for all things fundraising! To celebrate the contributions of our fab fundraisers, today’s guest blogger is Sophie Pitches, a fundraising volunteer who [...]

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