News & Events

News & Events2022-09-30T13:37:41+01:00

Naomi brings taste of Buenos Aires to Durham with Language Café fundraiser

17th November 2021|Categories: Fundraising, News|

Thinking of booking a holiday abroad next year and looking to learn the lingo? Then there’s the perfect opportunity to try out your Bonjours and Buen Dias at a special fundraiser organised by Durham [...]

How your Christmas shopping could help refugees

11th November 2021|Categories: Fundraising, News, Uncategorised|

We're delighted to share with you that online art store and fundraising initiative Art for Refugees has chosen to support Action Foundation over the Christmas period. Their website sells from a selection of more than 100 [...]

Why it’s more important than ever to stand Together With Refugees

22nd October 2021|Categories: Blog, News|

This week has seen events up and down the country highlighting the need for a more compassionate approach to people seeking sanctuary in the UK. Organised by the coalition, Together With Refugees, of which [...]

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