
Curry in a crisis for Action Foundation Housing residents

2020-04-15T10:56:58+01:0015th April 2020|Blog, News|

Easter Monday saw InterAction Manager Kate Townsend out delivering 12 delicious portions of curry and rice donated by Newcastle’s My Delhi restaurant to some of our destitute clients living in Action Foundation’s supported houses. [...]

Can YOU help vulnerable asylum seekers and refugees cope with the Coronavirus crisis?

2020-04-03T12:43:07+01:003rd April 2020|Blog, News|

We’re facing a new challenge here at Action Foundation. The arrival of the Coronavirus has dealt a devastating blow to the services we are usually able offer to vulnerable asylum seekers and refugees. With [...]

Super swimmer Hilary raises over £1,000 despite coronavirus pool closure

2020-03-24T16:42:43+00:0024th March 2020|Blog, News|

Action Language volunteer Hilary Bennison has raised over £1,000 and clocked up a mighty 16 miles of her 22 mile fundraising swimathon, before her local pool was closed due to the coronavirus pandemic. The [...]

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