
Can you help us provide Covid Face Masks for Refugees and Asylum Seekers?

2020-06-18T13:52:47+01:0018th June 2020|Blog, News|

Now that face coverings are compulsory for people travelling on public transport to stop coronavirus from spreading, we would like to be able to provide them for the refugees, asylum seekers and other migrants [...]

Refugee Week 2020: Just Love Newcastle launches 2,700 mile challenge

2020-06-16T08:52:33+01:0016th June 2020|Blog, News|

Just Love Newcastle are raising money for Action Foundation by running, walking and cycling 2,700 miles across three weeks, representing a common journey travelled by refugees from Damascus to London. We caught up with [...]

Action Foundation’s CEO Julian Prior reflects on damaging effects of racism

2020-06-12T14:23:25+01:0012th June 2020|Blog, News|

"The Black Lives Matters protests have given us all an opportunity to reflect on the disturbing prevalence of racism and its deeply damaging effects on people from a BAME background. Not only in America, [...]

Meet Helen – Language and Covid-19 Crisis Volunteer and Fundraising extraordinaire!

2020-06-04T08:26:33+01:004th June 2020|Blog, News|

Our volunteers are total superstars, and once they get started at Action Foundation, they tend to get stuck right into helping in any way that they can. Helen Johnson is a wonderful member of [...]

Action Foundation receives the Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service

2020-07-17T09:20:31+01:002nd June 2020|Blog, News|

Action Foundation have been honoured with the Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service, the highest award a voluntary group can receive in the UK. We are one of 230 charities, social enterprises and voluntary groups [...]

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