
Action Foundation services boosted by Barclays £100k Community Aid package

2021-01-18T08:57:38+00:0018th January 2021|Blog, News|

Action Foundation have been awarded with a £100,000 Community Aid package by Barclays to boost our work reaching parts of the community worst hit by the COVID-19 crisis. In April, Barclays announced a £100m [...]

Meet Helen – Language and Covid-19 Crisis Volunteer and Fundraising extraordinaire!

2020-06-04T08:26:33+01:004th June 2020|Blog, News|

Our volunteers are total superstars, and once they get started at Action Foundation, they tend to get stuck right into helping in any way that they can. Helen Johnson is a wonderful member of [...]

We need second hand tech for socially isolated refugees + asylum seekers

2020-04-21T08:11:41+01:0021st April 2020|Blog, News|

Action Foundation would like to provide old laptops and DVDs to vulnerable clients who are particularly socially isolated during this period of Covid-19 lockdown. Imagine the difference it would make to a family struggling [...]

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