
Life in a Beginner’s Action Language class: ‘My Teacher is Joking. With a J.’

2023-01-16T14:33:58+00:0028th February 2020|Blog, News|

Libby has been volunteering as a teacher for Action Language since 2008 and increasingly specialises in Beginners' classes, which she loves. Action Language provides free English courses in Newcastle and Sunderland city centre [...]

LUSH Newcastle treat Action Foundation beneficiaries with soap donation

2020-01-28T08:45:05+00:0028th January 2020|Blog, News|

The Action Foundation offices are smelling particularly sweet after a generous donation of 100 soaps from the Newcastle branch of ethical cosmetics brand LUSH. InterAction Manager Kate Townsend went to collect three huge bags [...]

InterAction launches new Health Pop-ups giving vital access to local services

2020-01-31T11:24:31+00:0022nd January 2020|Blog, News|

The InterAction team have introduced new monthly Health Pop-up sessions at both their CastleGate and West End Library Drop-ins this month. Stalls were set up by a mixture of health services who came along [...]

Home or Alone Christmas appeal raises over £10k in under 4 weeks!

2020-01-10T09:41:19+00:0010th January 2020|Blog, News|

Action Foundation are celebrating an impressive £10,581 campaign total for the Home or Alone Christmas appeal, created to raise much-needed funds for the continued running of the Action Hosting project. Action Hosting matches volunteers [...]

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