Life in a Beginner’s Action Language class: ‘My Teacher is Joking. With a J.’

2023-01-16T14:33:58+00:0028th February 2020|Blog, News|

Libby has been volunteering as a teacher for Action Language since 2008 and increasingly specialises in Beginners' classes, which she loves. Action Language provides free English courses in Newcastle and Sunderland city centre [...]

‘Exciting’ new English language Hub launches in Sunderland

2019-11-15T11:57:40+00:0015th November 2019|Blog, News|

Wednesday night saw the very first meeting of the Sunderland ESOL* Hub, led by Sunderland University and their TESOL department. Over 20 people attended and Action Foundation were lucky enough to be invited to [...]

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