
We need second hand tech for socially isolated refugees + asylum seekers

2020-04-21T08:11:41+01:0021st April 2020|Blog, News|

Action Foundation would like to provide old laptops and DVDs to vulnerable clients who are particularly socially isolated during this period of Covid-19 lockdown. Imagine the difference it would make to a family struggling [...]

£9,000 raised in nine days for COVID-19 Crisis Support Appeal!

2020-04-15T14:51:57+01:0015th April 2020|Blog, News|

After launching our Covid-19 Crisis Support Appeal, you’ve come together and raised an astonishing £9,000 in a lightning quick nine days! In fact, the total is now an incredible £9,745 and rising. From the [...]

Can YOU help vulnerable asylum seekers and refugees cope with the Coronavirus crisis?

2020-04-03T12:43:07+01:003rd April 2020|Blog, News|

We’re facing a new challenge here at Action Foundation. The arrival of the Coronavirus has dealt a devastating blow to the services we are usually able offer to vulnerable asylum seekers and refugees. With [...]

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