Action Language

Pop art and pottery – Action Language students enjoy the Baltic

2024-02-27T13:04:06+00:0020th December 2023|Action Language, Blog, News|

Action Language students don’t just learn inside the classroom – in the last few weeks they’ve been out enjoying enrichment activities at the Baltic Centre for Contemporary Art. These striking collages pictured above [...]

Former Action Language student wins academic excellence award at Oxford University

2025-02-17T16:38:28+00:009th February 2023|Action Language, Blog, Client Story, News|

One of our former Action Language learners who came to Newcastle as an asylum seeker is now studying for an MSc at Oxford University - and he has just won a prestigious award. [...]

Ann’s foodie fundraiser proves a hit in Hexham

2023-02-08T14:41:28+00:008th February 2023|Action Language, Blog, Fundraising, News|

Fabulous fundraiser and Action Language volunteer, Ann Bingham and her friends laid on a magnificent international foodie feast at Hexham's Trinity Methodist Church last weekend. There was a lot of local interest and [...]

Celebrating the year with you! Enjoy our Thank You film!

2019-03-22T13:59:49+00:0013th December 2018|Action Hosting, Action Housing, Action Language, Blog, Impact, Previous Events, Volunteering|

Thank you to all our learners, residents, volunteers, funders and supporters!!! What an amazing year it has been and what a great way to end our year with two celebration parties in both Newcastle and [...]

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