
Turnitin cyclists take on the Sandstone Way for our appeal!

2019-04-15T14:23:29+01:0015th April 2019|Blog, Fundraising, News, Uncategorised|

We are delighted to have been selected by the Newcastle office of Turnitin as one of their chosen charities for the year. Turnitin is used by more than 30 million students at 15,000 institutions [...]

Celebrating the year with you! Enjoy our Thank You film!

2019-03-22T13:59:49+00:0013th December 2018|Action Hosting, Action Housing, Action Language, Blog, Impact, Previous Events, Volunteering|

Thank you to all our learners, residents, volunteers, funders and supporters!!! What an amazing year it has been and what a great way to end our year with two celebration parties in both Newcastle and [...]

Volunteering Opportunities: Resident Support Programme

2019-02-19T14:38:24+00:0022nd October 2018|Action Housing, Volunteering|

Resident Support Programme: Next month Action Foundation is launching the Resident Support Program. This will consist of a package of workshops and training session which will expand the support and advice already provided by [...]

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