Action Language

Ela is on a mission to encourage volunteering and embrace change in Poland

2019-02-19T14:50:39+00:003rd August 2018|Action Language, Volunteering|

Elzbieta Sarapata (Ela) is from a mountain village called Piechowice in Poland, and is a qualified teacher. Through her church and a passion for helping others, Ela met with one of our Action Language [...]

Providing opportunities to help overcome exclusion

2019-02-19T14:51:20+00:003rd August 2018|Action Language, Previous Events, Volunteering|

As part of our most recent ESOL for Work course, we included (as usual!) a session on volunteering, as a way of gaining experience and enhancing one’s CV. Surrounded as we are at the [...]

Lord Mayor of Newcastle visits Action Foundation

2019-02-19T14:57:33+00:0029th June 2018|Action Hosting, Action Housing, Action Language|

In celebration of Refugee Week, we welcomed the Lord Mayor of Newcastle, Councillor David Down and The Lady Mayoress to Action Foundation. As one of the Mayor's two chosen charities for the year the [...]

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