With less than two weeks until GNR 2024, our runners need your support now more than ever!

We’re excited to introduce two new members of #TeamActionFoundation, both of whom are run club regulars and eager to share the important mission of Action Foundation. 

Meet Rob

Rob has been a regular InterAction volunteer for the past three years, dedicating his Thursdays to helping with casework at our Drop-in, especially for those who have recently been granted refugee status.

When asked what motivated him to run for Action Foundation, Rob’s passion was instantly clear: “I love the charity,” he said.

“They step in to support thousands of people seeking sanctuary every year, many of whom I’ve met. It’s not an easy road for them, and whatever happens with their application to the Home Office, they deserve to be treated with dignity and kindness, and Action Foundation ensures that happens.”

“There’s always more that can be done, and over my last three years volunteering with them, I can see how far they stretch the donations they rely on.”

Rob is no stranger to the Great North Run – this will be his sixth time participating, though he admits that, as his last race in 2017, he’s a bit out of practice.

“It’s one of the greatest community experiences in the North East,” he said. “Even when the scenery is just a dual carriageway, the cheering crowds keep you going.”

Currently, he’s just over half way to his target and is hopeful for a last-minute surge, much like his training strategy.

Rob, left, with fellow caseworker and running mate, Salih

His advice to fellow runners is simple but effective: “Listen to your body. If something hurts, it’s probably asking for a rest, or maybe a softer surface to run on.”

Rob’s motivation has been further fuelled by recent events, including the race riots this summer. “I’m more motivated than ever to help Action Foundation and to educate our society to dispel myths about refugees,” he said.

“I’m also really looking forward to running this with sanctuary seekers connected to the InterAction Drop-in. They will be inspiring me all the way!”

“I’m proud to be running for Action Foundation this year. They provide essential support to these brave, often traumatized individuals, offering everything from English lessons to help with filling out forms, patient listening, and delivering food parcels and care packages for new parents. They stand by those in need during their most challenging times.”

Meet Lisa

Lisa discovered Action Foundation while searching for a charity to support in this year’s Great North Run and she hasn’t looked back. “The Action Foundation community is incredibly supportive. I’ve joined social runs on Wednesdays with other members of the charity, and I’ll definitely be exploring additional ways to get involved in the future,” she said.

As a migrant from Moscow, Russia, Lisa understands the challenges of moving to a new country and integrating into a different culture.

“I know from personal experience that it’s challenging, but with some support, it can lead to great outcomes.”

Lisa, centre left, enjoying a drink at an Action Foundation Run Club with her teammates

Having moved countries twice (she spent time in Georgia before coming to the UK) and met many inspiring people along the way, she can’t imagine life without being part of an international community.

“I believe that diversity benefits everyone. I am immensely proud to run for an organisation that helps refugees and asylum seekers from 69 countries to overcome their struggles and rebuild their lives.”

Though this is Lisa’s first half marathon, she is taking her training seriously.

“I am very excited and am trying to follow my plan and learn more about running,” she said.

Lisa is really enjoying the process, as running helps clear her head after a long day in the library, where she is also working on her Master’s dissertation.

“As both the dissertation deadline and the half marathon date approach, the emotional pressure increases. I think it’s an interesting experience to try to balance it all.”

When it comes to advice for others considering a charity run, Lisa is enthusiastic: “Do it – run it, walk it, spin it! Socialise and have fun! You’ll be smashing it!”

Her words capture the heart of charity running – hitting personal goals, making a difference and having a great time with others along the way.

You can support our runners here:

Lisa: Action Foundation: Support refugees across the North East (enthuse.com)

Rob: Action Foundation: Rob running for refugees (enthuse.com)