Fog on the Tyne and driving rain didn’t dampen the spirits of our 24 amazing runners in this year’s Great North Run.

Despite the weather, they all arrived on the finish line with smiling faces, having raised more than £11,000 to support Action Foundation’s work with refugees, asylum seekers and other migrants.

Kevin Higgins, Employability and Inclusion Manager with Northumbria County Council, retained his title as #TeamActionFoundation’s fastest runner. He was the first one home for us last year too.

He was delighted to improve his time – in 2023 Kevin ran the iconic half marathon for the first time in one hour 39 minutes and this year he completed the distance in one hour 32 – a personal best. He said:

First home, Kevin

“It was very different from the hot sunny day last year, but the rain and cooler temperature made the running so much easier – and atmospheric with the mist when we finally made it to the sea front. There were supporters encouraging us for the whole of the route again, they really make a difference. There is so much going on that it seems to fly-by.”

“It was great to be met by the Action Foundation crew at the end and it was a personal best for me which made it another great day.”

Kevin decided to run for Action Foundation again to show solidarity with people seeking sanctuary here, particularly after the recent civil unrest.

“There have been some negative things happening across the country this year so I wanted to show the unifying and positive things that Action Foundation are doing.

“I know what great work Action Foundation does through the staff and volunteers and it was important for me to support a smaller, local charity. Refugees and asylum seekers can be some of the most vulnerable in our communities but they have so much to contribute when they are empowered, so I wanted to run for Action Foundation to help give them that recognition. I fully support Action Foundation’s values.”

Like all our runners, Kevin appreciates the donors who support our runners each year. “Times are tough for a lot of people and there are a lot of good causes that need funding so I am thankful that my supporters have chosen this one and shown generosity once again. They have contributed to a great charity.”

Left to right: Salih, Tatiana, Kasra & Rekar

Close behind Kevin was Freelance Writer and Journalist, Richard Smyth, at one hour 44, followed by Action Foundation InterAction Volunteer, Salih Abolgasim Mohammed Salih, at one hour, 47.

Salih is one of four volunteers with lived experience of migration who were offered free places to experience the thrill of running in the GNR. You can read their story here.

Newcastle University medical student Jemima Thursz, retained her title as our first woman home, running the course in one hour, 48 – an improvement on last year’s time of one hour, 51.

And Action Foundation staff member, Celia Bouch, who recently rejoined the charity to be manager of our InterAction Drop-in service and is a veteran of seven Great North Runs, came in at one hour, 52. She said:

“I had a great day. I felt really good running and I actually loved the rain, as it kept me cool. It was much better than the heat last year. Doing the run was a good way to celebrate being back with Action Foundation and I am always grateful for the generosity of friends, family and colleagues.”

As well as our Great North Run participants, we had just one entrant in the mini Junior Great North Run the day before. Five-year-old Byron Oxley smashed his fundraising target of £250 to raise more than £300 for Action Foundation.

His mum Eirini told us: “Byron had a fantastic time during the run. He said. ‘I loved running over the bridge!’ after the race.
He ran the whole route at a decent speed, unlike me! I needed a break so I power walked instead for a short part of the route. He was absolutely brilliant and we’ve already signed up to do it again next year; this time with his sister!”
Byron’s fundraising page is still live, if you’d like to sponsor him, visit

We are so grateful to ALL our Action Foundation runners for braving the rain in this year’s GNR. So far, they have raised more than £11,000 to support people seeking sanctuary in the North East. We have a full picture gallery of our runners here.

It’s not too late to help them boost their totals – here’s the link to all their fundraising pages.