
Fan-Led Fundraising: A ‘Sit Down’ with James Fanzone

2024-11-07T18:10:40+00:007th November 2024|Blog, Fundraising, News, Uncategorised|

There’s Nothing But Love to share as we proudly announce that James Fanzone, the official fan group for the band James, has raised an incredible £2,000 through their fan-based raffle for Action Foundation. [...]

‘An inspirational night’ – one volunteer’s take on the North East Charity Awards

2024-10-02T16:09:19+01:002nd October 2024|Blog, Language and Learning, Volunteering|

Hilary Elder is one of our valued Language & Learning teachers who gives up her time freely to teach English to refugees and asylum seekers. She is also a writer and has her [...]

It’s the final countdown – introducing our corporate runners

2024-08-30T14:40:32+01:0030th August 2024|Blog, Fundraising, News|

A week on Sunday our amazing team of runners will be on the start line for this year's Great North Run. We're delighted to welcome several representatives from the corporate world who are [...]

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