We’re delighted to introduce our youngest entrant in this year’s Great North Run series – Byron Oxley!

Byron is just five years old and is amongst 10,500 children taking part in this year’s Junior Great North Run on September 7th. But he’s the only one running in support of Action Foundation!

The primary school pupil decided to run in support of refugees because he is good friends with Josue, a boy from El Salvador, who lives next door to him.

His mum, Eirini explained:

 “He told me he wanted to help Josue’s mum learn English and as I taught English to speakers of other languages at Newcastle College, I knew a little bit about Action Foundation.

“Bryron signed up with some friends at school, who are running for other charities. We set up his fundraising page and he gets quite excited to see where he is with his target.”

Byron’s fundraising page reads:

“I’m raising money for my friends and their families who have made Newcastle their home. Sometimes it’s hard to understand them, but it’s always fun playing with them.

“Action Foundation can help my friends’ families with their language and confidence. I’ll be able to understand them better and, if I’m lucky, learn more about their culture and where they come from.”

Byron is hoping to smash his £250 target and is already around 75 per cent of the way there.

Eirini has been going with Byron on training runs near their home in Newcastle-upon-Tyne.

“Byron is on the autistic spectrum and is hyper mobile so we do ‘Ready, Steady, Go!’ and we run for a bit, but he gets tired because of limits with his mobility, so we have a stop then train a little bit more.”

Eirini said she and her husband, Macon, have been blown away by the support Byron’s received already.

“My husband works for EE and he’s had so much support from his colleague, including a student who sponsored him to the tune of £50!”

“We’re really grateful for every pound donated as we know how valuable the work of Action Foundation’s Language & Learning service is to families making a new life here.”

Byron is classed as a ‘mini runner’ so Eirini will be accompanying him around the 1.2km course on Newcastle’s Quayside. The theme for 2024 is ‘Finding Your Superpower’ and we feel Byron’s really tapped into his!

If you would like to help Byron’s fundraising, please visit his page here:
