Do you or any of your friends love to sing?

We’re asking choirs and community singing groups to stage a musical event or special choir practice in aid of people seeking sanctuary here in the North East.

This will be part of our fundraising campaign this winter, due to launch later this month, which will also highlight the homelessness problem faced by many asylum seekers and refugees right now.

Action Foundation has two accommodation projects – one housing destitute asylum seekers who do not yet have refugee status and who otherwise might find themselves on the streets and a second one providing affordable living spaces to newly-recognised refugees. In addition to our Housing and Lettings projects, we also provide free English classes and two weekly Drop-ins that provide a warm, safe space and advice for people new to our region.

As they face an increasingly hostile environment, with threats of deportation to Rwanda and detention on unsafe barges, we hope you will join us in spreading joy and hope to them this festive season.

If you or someone you know can arrange an event from which all, or part of the proceeds, would come to aid Action Foundation’s work, then please do contact us and we can help support you with your event.

Email us: [email protected]